1. Be flexible with dates
Be flexible with dates: One of the best ways to save money on an Airbnb is to be flexible with the dates of your stay. Often, rates can vary significantly from day to day or week to week. If you can adjust your travel dates to avoid popular times or peak seasons, you'll be able to find cheaper rates.
To make this easier to do, Airbnb has a flexible dates option, where you indicate whether you want to do a weekend getaway, a week-long vacation, or even a stay of one or several months. This way, you can explore the options at the best price, respecting the length of your trip but being flexible in terms of timing.
2. Be flexible with the destination
Similar to dates, you can find better prices if you are flexible about destinations. Instead of looking for accommodations in a specific city, you can choose a continent, region or country, and see all the options available in that area. This allows you to explore destinations you may not have considered before, and find cheaper accommodation options in places that are not so touristy.
By combining these two strategies, you're sure to get a great deal. But there's even more you can do!
3. Rent for longer
If you plan to stay for more than a few days, consider renting for a week or even a full month. Many hosts offer discounts to guests who book longer stays. In fact, there are times when it's cheaper to rent for the entire week than for a weekend. If you have found an accommodation that you like, try changing and extending the dates, and you will see in a simple way if it helps you save.
4. Book directly with the host (and ask for a discount!)
If you find an Airbnb you like, don't hesitate to contact the host and ask if they offer discounts for direct bookings. Many hosts are willing to negotiate prices and may offer discounts if you ask them directly.
In order to contact them, you can search the internet for the name of the host or accommodation you like.
An easier way to do this is to use Directo Chrome extension, which searches for the direct website of the accommodations while you browse Airbnb or Booking. You can install it for free from the Chrome Store and save yourself the steps of searching for the website.

We hope these tips help you save on your next Airbnb vacation. Remember: it helps to be flexible and book directly with the host.
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